The Operations Division manages more than 8,000 acres of park land and open space, 109 miles of trails, and a variety of recreation facilities.

We make every effort to provide safe, clean and green facilities for our residents to enjoy. We also provide ground maintenance for all County office buildings.

Our Regional Parks offer a large area of parkland with recreation resource values of regional and community significance. Regional Trails provide recreational enjoyment, links, and access to recreation areas of regional significance and local communities, as well as commuting opportunities. Open Space is generally described as an area with important natural, cultural, historic, or visual resource values that have been purposefully protected.

Neighborhood Parks have small areas that support a variety of outdoor recreation experiences at a local level and may include recreational activities such as picnicking, field sports, walking, and nature study and observation.

Recreation Areas provide an area with recreation opportunities and dominant natural and/or cultural resources.

Parks Administration Office
(719) 520-7529
2002 Creek Crossing Street, Colorado Springs, CO 80905
(In Bear Creek Park Regional Park, SE of 21st & Rio Grande)


The El Paso County Park and Recreation District was formed in 1971 to provide the parks and recreation facilities needed to serve a rapidly growing population. The Department’s initial policies gave high priority to the development of park-lands in urbanized but unincorporated areas of the County. This was in an effort to reduce pressure on City of Colorado Springs facilities and programs. Within five years, the Department had completed construction of or allocated funds for the construction of parks in sixteen areas of the County. Regional trails were also a priority, and the spines of primary regional trails were established in cooperation with other jurisdictions.

It became apparent, however, that maintenance of these areas was going to become an increasingly difficult financial challenge. In September of 1976, the Board of County Commissioners established a parks division. They also re-chartered the role of the division to emphasize the provision of large, regional-scale parks and abandon the effort to provide neighborhood parks and programs.

The regional parks were designed to include a developed portion with facilities such as turfed, multi-purpose playfields, tennis, volleyball and basketball courts, archery range, disc golf course, dog parks, equestrian skills course, picnic areas with pavilions for group activities, restrooms, and green space for unstructured activities.

Brian Bobeck, Park Operations Manager

Kyle Melvin, Assistant Park Operations Manager

Adam Baker, East District Park Supervisor
The East District includes the eastern portion of the county. Which runs from Meridian Road to the county line and includes Falcon Regional Park, Homestead Ranch Regional Park, Paint Mines Interpretive Park, Rock Island Regional Trail, and the Fairgrounds.

Ben Dumakowski, North District Park Supervisor
The North District Parks include Fox Run Regional Park, Black Forest Regional Park, Black Forest Section 16, portions of the Santa Fe Regional Trail, Pineries Open Space, Santa Fe Open Space, and various other trails and open spaces.

Adam Robertson, Central District Park Supervisor
The Central District includes the Regional Development Building, Centennial Hall, Pikes Peak Center, Sheriff’s Building, Professional Building, County Court House, Metro Jail, Criminal Justice Center, Fathering Center, Visitation Center, Community Service Center, County DMV, Fleet Management Facility, Emergency Response Facility, Metro Parking Garage, CSU Extension Office, Bear Creek Regional Park, Bear Creek Dog Park, Bear Creek Nature Center, Rainbow Falls Recreational Area, Ute Pass Regional Trail and Jones Park.

Jamie Haas, South District Park Supervisor
The South District includes Fountain Creek Regional Park, Fountain Creek Nature Center, Willow Springs, Widefield Park, McCrea Reservoir, Stratmoor Valley Trailhead, Stratmoor Hills Park, Ceresa Park, Clear Springs Ranch, Fountain Creek Regional Trail, Crews Gulch Trail, Hanson Trailhead, Kane Ranch Open Space and various County facility grounds.