Paint Mines Interpretive Park Master Plan


El Paso County Parks and Community Services has begun developing a detailed Master Plan to effectively handle the growing number of visitors and protect the delicate rock formations at the Paint Mines Interpretive Park near Calhan. This planning process includes analyzing current information about Park visitation and the geological aspects, gathering new data, seeking public input, and consolidating everything into one cohesive long-term Master Plan for the Park. Informative guided hikes of the Paint Mines Interpretive Park will still be available throughout the summer.

Purpose and Goals

The Paint Mines Interpretive Park Master Plan aims to empower the El Paso County Parks and Community Services Department in overseeing, safeguarding, and preserving the Park while enhancing the visitor experience. It will strike a harmonious balance between providing public access and safeguarding the fragile geological features within the Park. Additionally, the Plan will uphold the core goals and objectives outlined in the broader 2022 El Paso County Parks Master Plan.

Funding and Schedule

The Master Plan, set to be completed in Spring 2025, is being funded by County Regional Park Fees. It will be developed through a $200,000 contract with DHM Design, a landscape architecture and land planning firm. The project will kick off with a review of current conditions and site analysis, then move on to creating a conceptual design for proposed enhancements. Once feedback from stakeholders and the community is integrated into the proposed improvements and design guidelines, the design team will proceed to finalize the Master Plan document.

Public Engagement

Engage with us and be a part of the Master Plan process! We believe that a strong stakeholder and community engagement process is crucial for the success of the Master Plan. We are committed to keeping you informed and involved throughout each phase of the planning process.
Stay up to date on the progress and receive enewsletter updates by simply sending an email to Don’t miss out on the open houses and other opportunities to provide your valuable input. Visit the El Paso County Parks and Community Services webpage for more information.

Upcoming Public Meeting

Check back for updates

Open House Documents:
Open House Powerpoint

Paint Mines Interpretive Park – Existing Conditions Graphic 1

Paint Mines Interpretive Park – Existing Conditions Graphic 2

Paint Mines Interpretive Park – Existing Natural Resources Graphic

Paint Mines Interpretive Park – Formations Concept Graphic

Paint Mines Interpretive Park – Overlook Trailhead Concept Graphic

Take our Survey! Your feedback is important to us!
Please take our 4-minute survey and tell us your thoughts about what you’d like to see happen at the Paint Mines Interpretive Park.

In the News

Thank you, Lyda Hill Philanthropies!