You Can Make A Difference!

Your donations and gifts provide critically needed funding to support ongoing operations and maintenance for our Nature Centers. We appreciate your support! Individual, corporate donations and planned giving are welcome at any time. Contact Theresa Odello at 719-520-6399 or

The nature centers’ mission is to connect people to their natural and cultural resources and inspire them to become stewards for our parks and the environment. The Friends support the nature centers with over 6000 volunteer hours and $90,000 in operational support annually. Your donation will help us to accomplish our mission and create stewards for generations to come!

Four Ways To Give:

Friends of El Paso County Nature Centers logo

Make checks payable to Friends of El Paso County Nature Centers, a 501(c) 3 nonprofit whose mission is to support the nature centers. Mail to 245 Bear Creek Rd., Colorado Springs, CO 80906.

PayPal Logo to link to PayPal Website

Donate directly to Friends of El Paso County Nature Centers through Paypal using your credit card.

Take your gently used name brand equipment, footwear, etc. to Mountain Equipment Recyclers, 1024 South Tejon St., Colorado Springs, and tell them to consign your items on behalf of the Friends of El Paso County Nature Centers. We will receive 50% or more of the sale price when your item sells! Visit their website for more store information –

Colorado Gives Day logo

Colorado Gives Day is Tuesday, December 5, Every nonprofit receiving a donation on Colorado Gives Day receives a portion of a bonus incentive fund, increasing impact and the value of every dollar donated. Colorado Gives Day has grown to be Colorado’s largest one-day online giving event, raising more than $257 million since it began in 2010. Donations are accepted through