The El Paso County Noxious Weed Advisory Commission (NWAC) consists of three members residing in unincorporated El Paso County, with at least two members required to own forty acres or more. The commission members are actively engaged in addressing noxious weed concerns across the County. They provide advice to the Environmental Division on the control, development, management, programming, operation, and maintenance of noxious weed issues.

Noxious Weed Commission Members:

Last Name First Name Commission Term Started Term End
Pattee Sharon Noxious Weed Advisory Commission 8/23/2016 8/23/2025
Malvern Jan Noxious Weed Advisory Commission 8/23/2016 8/23/2025
VACANT* VACANT Noxious Weed Advisory Commission N/A N/A

*Per Colorado Noxious Weed Act, commission member is required to live in unincorporated El Paso County and must own forty acres or more.

Meeting Schedule:

The commission meets annually in the fall via teleconference or in person at 3255 Akers Dr. Colorado Springs, 80922.


2024: Agenda | Meeting Minutes

2023: Agenda | Meeting Minutes

2022: Agenda | Meeting Minutes

2021: Agenda | Meeting Minutes

El Paso County Liaisons:

Nick Daniel, Noxious Weed Specialist

Kathy Andrew, Environmental Division Manager